Nothing is permanent in this World, every moment the things keep changing. The principle of change is applicable to all, whether it is the entertainment world or sales arena. Last year the most popular TV show was “Roseanne". Among the current shows the most action filled and entertaining series is “. Also it is one of Game of Thrones” the most highly anticipated and entertaining series. This popular show comes with lot of lessons related to sales and Sales Management.

Business big or small, require sales at every stage. Everyday the leads will be in different stage of sales funnel, like negotiating, followup and closing. Various sales strategies are adapted by the companies to stay afloat.

In the series “Game of Thrones” right from the first season till season eight, there are many characters and plots with twists and turns. There are numerous characters but here we will be discussing about only two characters; who have transformed themselves and reached the helm of the seats.

Tyrion Lannister, often called half man, was once looked down upon by others. He is one of the most intelligent and sly character on the show. In beginning it looked like it will be difficult for him to survive but has thrived and became most trusted aide of the Queen. He knew he cannot survive as a warrior in the battlefield, so he used his tactful mind to study the opponents, form strategies, build alliances and execute his plans.

The lesson we learn from this character is to identify your strength and build the war plan based on it. In Business parlance, sales force is the strength of an organization. Like Tyrion, work out strategies to strengthen the sales team, with right tools and techniques. The crucial step is to equip the sales team with the proper data to work with. Companies might be having lot of data but it is not of much use if not utilized in right manner. It is advisable to compile the data from different sources (example characters like Jorah Mormont, Ser Barristan Selmy, Missandei, Greyworm, and Tyrion Lannister.). Consolidated data should be seen in unified view for better leads followup and conversion. Like Tyrion, study your opponents, see how they approach the customers and how they convert.

The next important character we will discuss is the Daenery Targaryen now the Queen of her people and one of the lead characters. If you remember, once Daenerys was a confused, young girl being sold off to a Dothraki warlord. Now in the final season, she is now a formidable leader with a courageous army; surrounded herself with wise and experienced people, such as Jorah Mormont, Ser Barristan Selmy, Missandei, Greyworm, and Tyrion Lannister. The lesson we learn here is that the decisions you take, will be based much of the time by the people you are surrounded by.

In business perspective, there is lots to be learnt from Daenery, never lose hope in any situation. Build the sales plans, approach and strategy backed with the latest technology. If one loses the grip on what is happening in the sales and tech cosmos than it will be difficult to regain the lost opportunity. We should have a counsel of technology and devices – like ERP, CRM, ASFP and lots more. The counsel from tech will standby the company and help at every step of sales and conversion with right and proper advise and inputs.

Analyze the blind-spots of sales and build your skills. Always try to distance from Joffrey Baratheon type of characters from the sales world.

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