"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." these are the famous words of Michael Jordan. In fact these lines hold good for Sales Team of any organisation. Its obvious that champions should be treated like champions.
How sales team is treated in organisations, it differs from industry to industry. Some of the organisations are accounts oriented and some are sales oriented. In companies which are accounts driven, accounting policies overshadow all other activities including sales. Right from the sales, purchase and production all the departments, directly or indirectly will be following the doctrines of accounts in their daily operations. Same way if a organisation is sales driven than, sales team will have more say in company decisions and policies.
Stand By Me
Always treat sales team as humans, not as any device or objects in the company. Sales Managers should make it a point, to spare more time to the Sales Team. Conduct regular meetings for sales updates and interactions. Salespeople, as they are always on the move, meeting customers, don't wait to see them only at sales review time.
Spend quality time with them, engage them in social and recreation activities, so that the stern protocol type environment gives way to more friendly result oriented atmosphere.
Provide Mentorship
Like any other employee, even the salespeople need mentorship. For new staff, do hand holding and develop them into perfect salesperson; irrespective of their experience. If orientation is done in professional manner, it will help a salesperson to know the procedures and polices of the company and give the best results.

Fulfil Their Dreams
If a salesperson has talent and inspiration to grow in the organization, encourage him. Every sales person has hopes and dreams to move up the corporate ladder. Company with happy satisfied staff will see less attrition.
Encouragement and Incentives
Inspire your sales person to perform well in sales. In fact at times, give special treatment to the super salespersons, as it will encourage them to achieve more. This will also establish as motivational factor for other staff. Never measure the performer and non-performer with the same parameters. For it will not take long for them to get demotivated.

When someone does outstanding well give him recognition, if possible make an announcement in the organisation, reward him.
When your best people outperform and outshine others, by all means treat them well, just as you treat customers differently based on their value to your company.